Speeding Accidents Attorney in Indiana
While driving at high speed on a busy county road or freeway, you may not realize how fast you are going. Speeding accidents can result in serious, catastrophic injuries such as brain injury, spinal cord injury, and others. If you are involved in an accident that was caused by speeding, our Indiana speeding accident lawyer can help get you the justice that you deserve.
When it comes to road accidents, speed is often a factor. One of the worst things about speeding is the fact that it can lead to permanent damages or wrongful death. The consequences of having a car accident start as soon as you hit the brakes. If you or a loved one has been involved in a speeding accident, you need the best Elkhart speeding accident attorney to ensure that you receive compensation for the damages caused by a reckless driver.
Best Elkhart Speeding Accidents Attorney
Speeding accidents can result in serious injuries that require compensation. Filing a personal injury claim must be done in a timely manner. Understanding the circumstances you are in is better done with the assistance of an Elkhart speeding accidents attorney from Wilson and Kinsman, LLC. We can help you assess the legalities of your case and navigate the legal system smoothly to ensure that your rights are protected.
If you or a loved one have been injured in an Indiana speeding accident, Wilson and Kinsman, LLC, a personal injury law firm, can help. Our law firm has been serving the state of Indiana for over five decades and prides itself on being successful with our clients throughout Elkhart County and areas like South Bend. We employ personalized strategies to help our clients get better results.
Our auto accident attorney will ensure that you get the better end of a deal. Schedule an appointment with Wilson and Kinsman, LLC right now.
Why do I need an Indiana Speeding Accidents Attorney?
If you have sustained serious injuries as a result of a car accident, it might be hard for you to continue working and fear the financial burden that such a workload will place on you. You don’t need to set yourself up for financial hardship. Talk to an Indiana speeding accident attorney who can help you pursue compensation from the responsible party.
Our personal injury attorney from Wilson and Kinsman, LLC can help you pursue compensation for your injuries and seek justice. Our lawyer may also provide advice on how to deal with insurance companies if they refuse to accept responsibility for the accident. They can also advise whether or not filing a personal injury lawsuit is your best course of action.
Here are other ways our law firm’s Elkhart speeding accident lawyer can help you include:
- Guiding you with individualized legal assistance. We put in a lot of effort to ensure that you are at ease when you discuss your case with us and receive a tailored fit strategy applicable to your unique situation.
- Priority is given to you by the team when planning a strategy, setting goals, and listening to your concerns.
- An Indiana speeding accident lawyer will provide you with sound legal advice and direction that will assist you in better understanding your case.
Remember to never settle for less in a personal injury case. Talking to an Elkhart speeding accident attorney can help you in this battle. Our lawyers are unquestionably highly regarded for their capacity to assist clients in achieving their desired outcomes. With over 50 years of experience in the Elkhart, Michiana, South Bend, and Goshen areas, you can trust that our lawyers are your best option. Call our Indiana personal injury attorney right now to schedule a consultation.
What Are Speeding Accidents?
Speeding accidents occur when a vehicle gets into a road accident due to going above the speed limit, resulting in grave injuries and even wrongful death. An attorney is essential in this case to help you get compensated for damages. We can also work with you to ensure your rights are protected during the investigation process of a crash or collision. This will help ensure that you receive all compensation that may be awarded under the law.
If you have been injured due to a careless driver, it is crucial that you obtain an Elkhart speeding accidents attorney immediately. Time is important in gathering evidence and any legal proceedings. Schedule an appointment with us right now.
What To Do After a Speeding Accident?
Any insurance claim or lawsuit you decide to file following a vehicle crash can be significantly influenced by the actions you take right away. Here are a few steps you need to take following a speeding accident:
- Seek medical assistance.
- Call the police to investigate the accident and make an accident report.
- Trade personal information such as contact details, driver’s permit or license, insurance company details, etc., with other parties involved in the accident.
- Collect information about any witnesses on the speeding accident scene.
- Take pictures of the vehicle damage, position of the vehicles, area of slide imprints and vehicle crash, your injuries, and any pertinent evidence available.
- Be careful of the words you say at the auto collision scene. Do not admit fault to anyone, especially to the insurance companies.
- Seek legal advice from an Indiana speeding accident lawyer.
What is the Statutory Guidance for Liability in an Auto Accident?
The insurance industry pushed for state legislatures to place a greater emphasis on vehicle statutes rather than common law notions of fault when determining who was at fault in an accident. Since liability insurance is required in all states, this has made it easier for insurers to challenge fault and liability when the other party in an accident breaks a traffic law.
Even if the other driver was at least partially to blame for the accident by changing lanes in front of them without signaling, a motorist who was speeding might not be able to recover the full amount of damages. Your damages may be lessened by your percentage of fault. And you should not be 51% to blame for the accident to be entitled to damages.
What is the Duration for Filing Speeding Accident Claim?
Because most people are unaware of Indiana’s statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim, they may act too late. You only have a 2-year limit to file an Indiana speeding accident claim. If the party in a dispute is a government entity, such as a city, county, state, or employee, the time period can be reduced to as low as 90 days.
It is crucial to contact an Indiana personal injury attorney quickly following an accident. Your attorney will be able to explain all of your legal choices, and if filing a personal injury claim is the appropriate course of action, you can begin immediately.
What is the Basis for Car Accident Liability?
Negligence typically refers to careless or unintentional behavior that causes harm or damage, as is frequently the case in automobile accidents. Negligence can be shown by not doing something, such as not following the speed limit on a certain highway, or actively doing something, such as driving at the maximum rated speed in accident-prone areas.
Here are the four elements of negligence that you and your Elkhart speeding accident lawyer need to demonstrate:
- Duty of Care
- Breach of Duty
- Causation
- Damages
Proving negligence can be challenging and time-consuming. It is highly recommended that you reach out to our personal injury attorney immediately to allow plenty of time to gather evidence and build a solid case.
Call our Indiana Speeding Accidents Attorneys Now!
When you get into a speeding accident, the consequences can be severe. If you were involved in a serious car accident, it is important that you contact an Elkhart speeding accident lawyer as soon as possible. At Wilson & Kinsman LLC, we will fight for your rights and make sure that you get compensated for all the damages you sustained during the speeding accident. Schedule an appointment with our Elkhart speeding accident lawyer right now. Call 574-522-1900 today.
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