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So far charles has created 38 blog entries.

Understanding Drug Possession Laws in Indiana

Understanding Drug Possession Laws in Indiana In Indiana, drug-related crimes such as possession of illegal drugs, drug trafficking, and distribution, and even DUI (driving under the influence) can be punishable by law and may carry serious consequences such as imprisonment in jail or termination from a job. In this article, we’ll focus on drug possession

2024-10-25T17:26:14+00:00Drug Crimes|

What to Do After a Car Accident

What to Do After a Car Accident There are several reasons why auto accident cases occur. It may be due to drunk driving, texting while driving, or drowsy driving. Another possible reason why motor vehicle accident happens is because of the negligence or reckless behavior of the driver that results in serious injuries of another

2024-10-25T17:27:03+00:00Personal Injury|

What You Should Do After an Indiana Car Crash

What You Should Do After an Indiana Car Crash The highway can be a dangerous place for even the safest of drivers. There are distracted teens who are texting while driving, reckless drivers speeding along, drunk party-goers driving under the influence. The pain and suffering caused by a motor vehicle accident can be devastating and

2024-10-25T17:27:44+00:00Personal Injury|

Charges of Assault and Battery in Indiana

Charges of Assault and Battery in Indiana A person performing an action that intends to cause physical harm to a person is guilty of what the law calls assault or battery. If his actions were severe enough, a simple assault can become an aggravated battery. So how are assault, battery, and aggravated battery different? Assault

2024-10-25T17:28:51+00:00Criminal Defense|

Statute of Limitations in Indiana

Statute of Limitations in Indiana If you have been involved in an accident, you’ll understand how devastating its effects can be. Not only would you receive damage to your property (which you have to pay for to get fixed), you might also be injured in the process too. If it’s bad enough, you might have

2024-10-25T17:29:27+00:00Criminal Defense|

What Happens in a Domestic Battery Case in Indiana?

What Happens in a Domestic Battery Case in Indiana? A domestic violence conviction in Indiana brings serious penalties and consequences, like fines and jail time or prison time. When you’re accused of battering an intimate partner or a close family member, it can mean criminal charges against you as well as a protective order from

2024-10-25T17:30:07+00:00Criminal Defense|

Indiana Premises Liability Law: The Basics

Indiana Premises Liability Law: The Basics Premises liability laws govern what happens in personal injury cases where a person gets injured on another person’s property. This covers a wide variety of injuries Animal and Dog Bites Children on Property Dangerous Property Negligent or Inadequate Security Inadequate Maintenance Retail Store Liability Restaurant Liability Slip and Fall

2024-10-25T17:30:50+00:00Premises Liability|

7 Suggestions When Facing a Criminal Charge

7 Suggestions When Facing a Criminal Charge When you are facing criminal charges, DO NOT take a wait-and-see approach to a criminal situation. DO NOT delay. Generally, the sooner a Criminal Defense Lawyer is brought into a criminal case or investigation, the better potential results for the client. DO NOT seek answers to questions about

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