Get Just Compensation for Your Hip Injury Losses in Elkhart, Indiana

At Wilson & Kinsman LLC, we are a leading law firm dedicated to providing exceptional legal services in Indiana. If you or a loved one have experienced a hip injury, our hip injury attorney in Elkhart IN is here to help you navigate the legal complexities involved.

With our extensive experience and unwavering commitment to client advocacy, we strive to deliver the justice and compensation you deserve. When it comes to hip injury cases, our team of accomplished personal injury attorneys possesses a deep understanding of the laws and regulations specific to Indiana.

If you or someone you know is grappling with a hip injury in Indiana, do not hesitate to contact Wilson & Kinsman LLC today. Let us be your advocates in seeking justice and securing the compensation you deserve. Together, we can navigate the legal landscape and help you regain control of your life.

What is a Hip Injury?

A hip injury refers to any damage or trauma sustained in the region of the hip joint, which is the point where the thigh bone (femur) connects to the pelvis.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Hip Injuries?

The hip joint, connecting the pelvis to the thigh bone, is susceptible to various injuries. These injuries can cause intense pain, hinder mobility, muscle control, and limit range of motion. Common causes of hip injuries include:

  • Collisions involving automobiles
  • Accidents involving motorcycles
  • Incidents with trucks or commercial vehicles
  • Crashes involving bicycles
  • Accidents involving pedestrians
  • Injuries caused by hazardous conditions on premises
  • Accidents that occur on construction sites
  • Unsafe incidents in the workplace
  • Slip and fall accidents and claims related to unsafe premises
  • The harm caused by defective medical devices
  • Instances of medical negligence or malpractice
  • Cases involving abuse or neglect in nursing homes

What Are the Most Common Types of Hip Injuries?

When it comes to hip injuries, it’s important to recognize the different types of issues that can arise. At Wilson & Kinsman LLC, our skilled hip injury attorney in Elkhart, IN has extensive knowledge and experience in handling a wide variety of cases related to hip injuries. We provide legal representation for individuals who have suffered from hip injuries caused by various factors, including, but not limited to:

  • Sprains and Strains. Stretching or tearing injuries to soft tissues like ligaments, muscles, and tendons
  • Bursitis. Inflammation or irritation of the bursa sac, which helps reduce friction in joints like the hip
  • Dislocations. Dislocation of the hip joint when the ball is forced out of its socket due to a strong impact
  • Extracapsular Fractures. Fractures occurring outside the hip joint capsule, which can often be repaired without a total hip replacement
  • Intracapsular Fractures. Fractures near the top of the femur that affect blood supply and usually require a total hip replacement
  • Transcervical Fractures. Fractures in the middle portion of the femoral “neck”
  • Intertrochanteric Fractures. Fractures between the neck of the femur and the lesser trochanter, an attachment point for hip muscles
  • Subcapital Fractures. Fractures at the junction of the femoral “head” and “neck” within the hip joint capsule
  • Subtrochanteric Fractures. Fractures occurring within the shaft of the femur, below the hip joint

Hip injuries can significantly impact a person’s mobility, independence, and overall quality of life. Seeking appropriate medical attention and, if necessary, legal guidance can be crucial in managing the consequences of a hip injury and pursuing compensation for damages in cases where negligence or wrongdoing may be involved.

What to Do Following a Hip Injury in Indiana?

If you have experienced a hip injury in Indiana, it is important to take certain steps to protect your health, well-being, and legal rights. Here are some recommended actions to consider following a hip injury:

1.  Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Your health and well-being should be your top priority. If you sustain a hip injury, seek prompt medical attention. Call for emergency services or visit the nearest hospital or medical facility. A medical professional can assess the extent of your injury, provide appropriate treatment, and document your condition, which can be crucial for any potential legal claims.

2.  Document the Incident

If possible, gather as much information as you can about the circumstances surrounding your hip injury. Take photographs of the accident scene, if applicable, and obtain contact information from any witnesses present. This documentation can support your case later on, should you decide to pursue legal action.

3.  Report the Incident

Depending on the nature of your hip injury, report the incident to the appropriate authorities or entities. For example, if it occurred in a workplace, notify your employer or supervisor. If it happened on someone else’s property, inform the property owner or manager. Reporting the incident ensures that there is an official record of what occurred.

4.  Preserve Evidence

Preserve any evidence related to your hip injury. This includes keeping copies of medical reports, test results, treatment records, and any relevant bills or expenses incurred due to the injury. Additionally, retain any documents or correspondence about the incident, such as accident reports or emails.

5.  Consult With an Attorney

It is advisable to consult with our knowledgeable Elkhart hip injury attorney. We can evaluate the details of your situation, determine if you have a viable claim, and guide you through the legal process. We will protect your rights, help gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent your interests in court, if necessary.

6.  Follow Medical Advice and Treatment

Adhere to your healthcare provider’s advice and treatment plan for your hip injury. Attend all follow-up appointments, undergo recommended therapies or rehabilitation, and take prescribed medications. This demonstrates your commitment to recovery and helps establish the extent of your injuries for legal purposes.

What Can Be the Possible Impact of a Hip Injury on Your Life?

The hip plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and stability since your center of gravity is usually located near this area. When a hip injury occurs, it can significantly disrupt your life, impacting both your body and overall well-being. Hip injuries have the potential to affect you in the following ways:

  • Resulting in pain in other areas of your body, such as the knees, legs, and shoulders, as they bear additional stress that would typically be supported by the hip.
  • Impeding your ability to walk or sit comfortably due to restricted mobility, muscle weakness, and persistent pain.
  • Potentially causing an uneven gait, leading to the leg on the injured hip’s side being shorter than the other.
  • Requiring extensive and expensive medical interventions, including surgeries, physical therapy, and partial or complete hip replacement.

What Are the Possible Treatment for Hip Injuries?

The specific treatment approach for a hip injury may differ from person to person. It depends on the type and severity of the injury. Commonly utilized treatment methods for hip injuries include:

  • Medication for pain relief
  • Medication to reduce inflammation
  • Physical therapy or rehabilitation
  • Surgical procedures for the hip
  • Hip replacement surgery

Regardless of the specific type of hip injury, they typically require comprehensive treatment and a significant amount of time to heal. It is common for the recovery process to take weeks or even months before mobility and comfort are fully restored, allowing the injured individual to resume their regular work responsibilities.

Who Can Be Held Liable for My Hip Injury in Indiana?

In Indiana, liability for a hip injury will depend on the specific circumstances surrounding the incident. Several parties may potentially be held liable, including:

Negligent Individuals

If your hip injury was caused by the negligent or intentional actions of another person, that person may be held personally liable. For example, if someone directly caused your injury through assault, a car accident, or a slip and fall incident, they may be held responsible for the damages.

Property Owners

Property owners have a legal duty to maintain safe premises for visitors. If your hip injury occurred on someone else’s property, such as a slip and fall in a store or a hazardous condition in a residential building, the property owner may be held liable for failing to address or warn about the dangerous condition.


If your hip injury occurred in the workplace, you may be eligible to pursue a workers’ compensation claim against your employer. Employers in Indiana are generally required to provide workers’ compensation insurance to cover medical expenses and lost wages resulting from work-related injuries.

Manufacturers and Distributors

If your hip injury was caused by a defective product, such as a faulty hip implant or a malfunctioning piece of machinery, the manufacturer or distributor of that product may be held liable under product liability laws.

Healthcare Providers

In cases where medical negligence or malpractice caused or worsened your hip injury, healthcare providers, including doctors, surgeons, nurses, or medical facilities, may be held liable for their negligent actions or omissions.

Determining liability in a hip injury case requires a careful examination of the facts, evidence, and applicable laws. It is recommended to consult with our qualified personal injury attorney in Indiana who can assess your case, identify potential liable parties, and help you pursue the appropriate legal action to seek compensation for your damages.

How Can I Prove Negligence on My Hip Injury Claim?

Hip injuries can stem from others’ careless actions. If injured due to someone else’s negligence, you can seek compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. However, proving negligence under Indiana law is crucial for a successful claim. You must demonstrate four key elements of negligence in court.

Duty of Care

To establish negligence, the initial stage involves determining the relevant “duty of care.” This refers to the legal obligation of the defendant to act in a specific manner towards others within the context of the accident or incident in question.

Breach of Duty

After establishing the applicable duty of care, the subsequent step is to demonstrate how the defendant’s actions or inactions violated that duty. For instance, if a business fails to address a water spill on the floor or neglects to address icy conditions in a parking lot as outlined in its safety protocols, or fails to address it all together, it may be considered to have breached its duty of care.


Simply establishing a breach of duty does not automatically imply negligence on the part of the defendant. The plaintiff is also required to prove “causation,” meaning they must demonstrate that the breach directly caused their hip injury. 


In other words, the plaintiff needs to establish that, had it not been for the defendant’s actions, their injuries would not have occurred.


The last step in proving negligence is for the plaintiff to demonstrate that their hip injury is directly caused by the defendant’s breach of duty. An “injury” can encompass various forms of losses that can be monetarily compensated. 

This includes medical expenses, vehicle repair costs, and compensation for intangible damages like pain and suffering experienced by the plaintiff.

What Compensation is Available for My Hip Injury Claim in Indiana?

Through a successful hip injury claim, you have the right to seek compensation for the following types of losses resulting from the accident:

  • Expenses for medical treatment directly associated with your hip injury
  • Anticipated future medical costs arising from your hip injury
  • Additional expenses such as transportation to medical appointments or necessary medical equipment
  • Lost wages due to time away from work during the recovery process
  • Potential loss of future earnings if your hip injury results in long-term disability preventing you from resuming your regular job
  • Compensation for the subjective impact of pain, suffering, and diminished quality of life caused by your hip injury

What is Indiana’s Statute of Limitations for Hip Injury Claims?

Indiana Code Section 34-11-2-4 establishes a two-year deadline for filing personal injury lawsuits, including hip injuries. This time limit applies to cases based on negligence, intentional tort, or defamation. If you suffer a hip injury due to another’s actions, you have two years from the accident date to file your claim in an Indiana court. The clock starts ticking from the date of the accident.

What If I Missed the Statute of Limitations?

If you attempt to file a hip injury lawsuit after the two-year time limit has expired since the underlying accident, the defendant (the person you are suing) will likely file a motion to dismiss the case. Unless you qualify for a rare exception that grants you additional time (more information on these exceptions will be provided later), the court will most likely grant the dismissal. 

Indiana’s personal injury statute of limitations is not only crucial if you intend to pursue your injury case through a formal lawsuit, but it also significantly affects your position during personal injury settlement negotiations with the defendant and their insurance company. 

If the other party becomes aware that the two-year deadline has passed, you will lose your leverage in negotiations. In such a situation, the threat of taking the case to court becomes ineffective.

What Are the Exceptions to This Statute of Limitations?

Indiana recognizes several scenarios that can either delay or pause the running of the statute of limitations, effectively extending the filing deadline. Here are some examples of circumstances that can modify the standard timeline:

  • Under Indiana Code Section 34-11-6-1, if the injured person is considered to be “under legal disabilities” at the time of the accident (such as being under 18 years old or mentally incapacitated), they have two years to file their personal injury lawsuit after the removal of the disability. This means that once they reach the age of 18 or regain their competence, for example, the two-year filing period begins.
  • According to Indiana Code Section 34-11-4-1, if the defendant responsible for the plaintiff’s injuries becomes a “nonresident” of Indiana after the accident but before the lawsuit is filed, the period of non-residence is typically not included in the two-year filing period. In other words, the “clock” does not run during this time, except when the defendant has a designated agent for service of process in Indiana, allowing the lawsuit papers to be served on that person.
  • According to Indiana Code Section 34-11-5-1, if the person responsible for the plaintiff’s injuries purposely conceals their liability, the “clock” typically does not start until the period of concealment ends and the liability is discovered by the plaintiff.

If you have any concerns or inquiries regarding how the Indiana statute of limitations relates to your personal injury case, particularly if the deadline is approaching or has already passed, it is advisable to seek guidance from our competent Indiana personal injury attorney. By discussing your specific situation with our attorney, you can gain a better understanding of how the statute of limitations applies to your case and explore the available options.

Why Do I Need a Hip Injury Attorney in Indiana?

If you have suffered a hip injury in Indiana, hiring our qualified hip injury attorney in Elkhart IN can be highly beneficial for several reasons:

Case Evaluation and Strategy

Our Indiana hip injury attorney will thoroughly evaluate the details of your case, including the cause of your injury, the extent of your damages, and the parties involved. Based on this evaluation, we can develop a personalized legal strategy tailored to your specific circumstances. 

We will determine the most appropriate course of action, such as negotiating with insurance companies or pursuing a lawsuit, to help you obtain fair compensation.

Determining Liability

Identifying the responsible parties and establishing their liability can be challenging in hip injury cases. Our legal team will conduct a thorough investigation, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and consulting with experts, if necessary, to determine who should be held accountable for your injury. 

We will analyze the details of your case and apply our legal experience to assess the strength of your claim.

Maximizing Compensation

A hip injury can result in various damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, rehabilitation costs, and future medical needs. Our knowledgeable hip injury attorney in Elkhart IN will help you understand the full extent of your damages and pursue maximum compensation for your losses. 

We will work diligently to ensure that all relevant damages are considered and properly valued, increasing the likelihood of a fair settlement or favorable verdict in your favor.

Dealing With Insurance Companies

Insurance companies involved in personal injury cases often employ strategies to minimize their financial liability. They may attempt to undervalue your claim, dispute liability, or pressure you into accepting a low settlement offer. Having our personal injury attorney on your side can level the playing field. 

We will handle all communication and negotiations with insurance companies, advocating for your rights and pursuing a fair settlement that adequately reflects your damages.

Litigation Representation

While many personal injury cases can be resolved through negotiation and settlement, there are instances where litigation becomes necessary. If your case proceeds to court, we will provide skilled representation on your behalf. 

We will present your case before a judge and jury, presenting evidence, cross-examining witnesses, and arguing your position effectively to seek a favorable verdict.

Peace of Mind

Dealing with the aftermath of a hip injury can be physically, emotionally, and financially draining. By hiring our knowledgeable hip injury attorney in Elkhart, you can alleviate the burden of legal proceedings and focus on your recovery. 

We will handle the legal aspects of your case, guide you through the process, and provide support and guidance every step of the way.

Call Our Experienced Elkhart Hip Injury Today

Wilson & Kinsman LLC is a reputable law firm with extensive experience in various personal injury cases areas, including hip injuries. If you’re grappling with this type of injury, don’t hesitate. Connect with our hip injury attorney in Elkhart, IN for a consultation. We will thoroughly evaluate your case and work diligently to pursue justice and compensation for you. Besides hip injury, we also manage Big Rig Accidents, Bike Accidents, Product Liability, and Wrongful Death cases. Visit our website today to embark on your path towards recovery and justice.

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Read what our former clients have to say:

A man of utmost integrity

Tom is very kind and personable. He is a great attorney to work for and work with. He is a man of the utmost integrity and is forthright in his practice. I would confidently recommend his legal services to any person I cared about.

Kayla Christofeno

Honest and professional

I was charged with an OWI in Elkhart County and Eric was my first call. He was very helpful and personable throughout the entire process. I certainly appreciated his honesty and professionalism. Eric is definitely well experienced in handling these matters. Thanks to his help and guidance, we were able to have all of our necessary steps done before going to court that helped to retain driving privileges. The judge even remarked at how well the case had been managed during the hearing. With Eric’s help, I was able to obtain specialized driving privileges very promptly. I am still able to tend to my life’s responsibilities and my work. I would highly recommend Eric to anyone else needing help with OWI/DUI charges.
